Thursday, October 05, 2006

It's over

I think it would be fair to say that the season is over. A steady stream of depressions are thundering across the Atlantic, causing a mass of deep depressions in the souls of sailors everywhere.

The marina is less crowded than it was, and the yards are filling up. The mate and I are now in "stand by" mode, so we can snatch a sail when the wind isn't hurling old boots and the sky isn't falling. This will be interrupted by a short period of manic activity, when Neraida will be lifted, stripped of her old antifouling, and a fresh shiny coat applied. Doing this in October/Novemeber has the advantage that the weed growth slows considerably from now on, so she will stay cleaner for longer... hopefully!

Tinkering will occur from now on also.. I will keep you posted.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, thank goodness the trivial activity known as sailing is now over for the year. Minds can now concentrate on the principal point of having a boat - messing about on and with one.

October 06, 2006 12:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've come to learn that "tinkering" is synonymous with "sailing", no? Tell you what: I'll swap my "tinkering" (aka household chores and minding the gift business) with your "tinkering" just for a spell! What say you? <|:))

Seriously: I know The Mate doesn't like this season, but I'm loving it! Finally the blast furnace has been turned off!

October 08, 2006 3:49 AM  

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