Solent Breezes

It's been a funny weekend of sailing really. The Solent has been beset by light airs all weekend. Saturday provided a more than light northerly, barely touching eight knots and Sunday began with bright sunshine and all but no wind, followed by a flukey and intermittant south westerly maxing at twelve knots or so.
We did, as you can see from the picture above, manage to muster the energy to hoist the asymetric spinnaker, but in the process we discovered that out Lewmar Syncro blocks which we use to gude the sheets , had been stolen!!
We have never had so much as a winch handle lifted from Neraida in all the time we have owned her, and to say that it left a bitter taste is an understatement. It's not the money, the blocks were only about £30 each, but its more the fact that Neraida was boarded, while in Ocean Village Marina, and these scumbags, whoever they are, no doubt took them for their own boat!
I would be less upset if something "non-boaty" was taken, I would blame the run-of-the-mill shithead who will perloin anything that isn't nailed down, but thses blocks were obviously taken by a so-called "fellow boater" for their own use. (They wouldn't fetch much on ebay, they were a couple of years old and faded from the sunshine)
We did, as you can see from the picture above, manage to muster the energy to hoist the asymetric spinnaker, but in the process we discovered that out Lewmar Syncro blocks which we use to gude the sheets , had been stolen!!
We have never had so much as a winch handle lifted from Neraida in all the time we have owned her, and to say that it left a bitter taste is an understatement. It's not the money, the blocks were only about £30 each, but its more the fact that Neraida was boarded, while in Ocean Village Marina, and these scumbags, whoever they are, no doubt took them for their own boat!
I would be less upset if something "non-boaty" was taken, I would blame the run-of-the-mill shithead who will perloin anything that isn't nailed down, but thses blocks were obviously taken by a so-called "fellow boater" for their own use. (They wouldn't fetch much on ebay, they were a couple of years old and faded from the sunshine)
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