Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Boat Speed!

Yup... 10.7knots. It went higher... but where's the proof??

Neraida is, when pointed in the right direction, a fast little boat. Considering her 25' feet of waterline, she behaves more in the manner of a dinghy than a yacht when it comes to performance.
Sure, she will bash upwind at 6 knots on an average day, but times like this, with the wind just abaft the beam, apparent wind creeping forward, full (and new) mainsail and a "Solent" jib, a good stiff force five, she goes like the preverbial train.
However she does this with some caveat. Another five knots of wind and a lack of attention to the mainsheet will send her griping up with six inches of sea over the leeward deck. Worse still, catch her unawares working hard on a broad reach, and she will fall off the plane and into a juddering broach before you can blink.
Still, we never claimed to be sailing a good solid cruising boat!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good new blog, James. I've told the Sensible One to look at it regularly in the hope of getting her to buy me half a yacht too. Fat chance!

10.7! Cool. My car doesn't go so fast, even on the road :o)

September 24, 2006 4:01 PM  
Blogger Neraida said...

Thanks Charlie..
Just keep banging on and she'll give in!!
I am determined to get a picture of us going faster. Winter, I am sure, will deliver!

September 24, 2006 4:02 PM  

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